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Kaleidoscope Collection

Decorative Recycling Containers and Office Recycling Bins

When you think of a kaleidoscope, you probably imagine a rainbow of colors and a variety of shapes. The Kaleidoscope Collection certainly lives up to its name with recycling bins and containers designed in different shapes, sizes and colors. All receptacles in this collection are available in four colors. You can choose between Ruby Red, Emerald Green, Royal Blue, or Black. The colors for all of the containers may be uniform to match your interior, or they may all be different to help people identify the different types of receptacles.

Kaleidoscope Collection
There are many different decals that can be picked for any container. The basics are covered, along with several labels for more unique items. You can have a container marked for toner, metals, and even compost. There are also a variety of lid options to suit the type of trash going into the bin. This collection features several sizes of receptacles, ranging from as small as 8 gallons to as large as 36 gallons. The 8-gallon bin is only available in the half round shape, but all others are rectangular. With all containers having at least one flat side, you can arrange them in many different ways against walls or against other bins to suit even the most crowded spaces.
These receptacles are made in the U.S.A. for durability and convenience using fire-safe steel and over 30% recycled material. They are coated in a finish that resists fingerprints. To prevent mold from growing underneath the bins, they are slightly raised above the ground. There is a plastic black liner inside each receptacle with handles, allowing for easy removal. If the liner gets damaged, you do not need to replace the entire receptacle; replacements are available. With so many options to choose from, you can create a recycling area that fits your needs. With the Kaleidoscope collection, you have the ability to customize your receptacles without paying the high price of custom-designed containers.
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The 36 Gallon pairs with the 25 Gallon, and 17 Gallon. The 24 Gallon pairs with the 8 Gallon. Place side by side to create a multitude of different shapes to suit YOUR needs.