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Cigarette Receptacles

Outdoor Ashtray, Cigarette Urns, & Smokers Oasis Outdoor Ashtrays

Cigarette ash and cigarette butts can be unsightly, as well as creating environmental hazards. In large numbers, discarded cigarettes can create problems on waterways, beaches, and other public spaces. Luckily, outdoor ashtrays and cigarette receptacles are there to help with the disposal of cigarettes in a hygienic, eco-friendly manner.

excell-steel-outdoor-ashtray-smokers-oasis.jpg smokers-outpost-outdoor-ashtrays.jpg concrete-outdoor-cigarette-receptacles.jpg excell-pioneer-flip-top-safety-ashtray.jpg witt-ash-trash-can-68x150-.jpg Metal Canopy Top Ash Trash Cans
Smokers Oasis Smokers Outpost Concrete Ashtrays Safety Ashtrays Witt Ash Trash Metal Ashtrays