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Mesh Trash Cans

Metal Wire Mesh Trash Cans

Have a look at our wide range of mesh trash cans. If you are looking for sleek and stylish trash cans with a metal wire mesh design, you’ve come to the right place. Our metal wire mesh trash bins can be yours at an affordable price for the highest of quality. Trashcans Unlimited is the premiere destination on the web to shop for economical and eye-pleasing trash solutions. Our metal wire mesh trash cans look great in office buildings, lobbies, schools, parks, apartment complexes, hotels, and more. Metal wire mesh is not only designed to be aesthetically appealing, but it also serves the purpose of minimal ventilation and air flow. Wire mesh designs are available for trash cans as well as recycling receptacles and they come in in various forms, sizes, and colors. Take some to to view our mesh trash containers and click the products below for details and specifications.

 Mesh-Trash-Cans.jpg 40 Gallon Landscape Series Perforated Outdoor Park Trash Can WR-2441 T BLK designer-wastebaskets.jpg 32 Gallon Ultra Site Metal Street Park Recycle Bin EX32RE (Many Options, 5 Colors) 40 Gallon Laser Cut Saw Grass Outdoor Waste Container SAW40P (5 Colors)
Stadium Series Trash Cans Landscape Series
Precision Series
Thermo-Plastic Street Trash Cans