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Easily Buy Trash Cans

Here at, we make it easy to purchase trash cans, recycle bins, and outdoor ashtrays from us, just by submitting your Purchase Order. Schools, Municipalities, Towns, Cities, Villages, Hospitals, Government Agencies, Colleges, and Universities who are unable to purchase via credit card, can all take advantage of our easy trash can buying experience. Any questions please don't hesitate to reach out and ask a question. 

Do you accept Purchase Orders?

YesWe will happily accept purchase orders. Purchase orders must be signed, bona fide documents that specify both a shipping and billing address, PO Number, and all relevant costs, including quantity, part numbers, product prices, shipping and handling, and taxes (if applicable). Requisitions, letters, faxes, or memoranda referencing a purchase order number will not be accepted. To place an order by purchase order we must receive the purchase order by fax, email, or US mail. You may email your purchase order to or you may fax your purchase order to (800) 279-1037.


Download Our W-9

Some additional terms and conditions include:

o The minimum purchase order amount we accept is $1000.
o All products bought by purchase order must be shipped to a US destination.
o Payment terms are Net 30 with payment made payable to Trashcans Unlimited, LLC.
o We cannot accept purchase order numbers over the phone or by email message. Physical Hard Copy Needed.
o We cannot accept international purchase orders.
o We cannot accept Net 30 Terms for Re-Seller Purchase Orders. They must be paid in advance. 
o We cannot accept Net 30 Terms for Agent or Broker Purchase Orders. They must be paid in advance.
o We cannot process an order until we have received a Signed purchase order with a PO Number on it, via email, fax, or US Mail.
We cannot accept your purchase order unless you agree to these terms. Please feel free to call us at (800)279-3615 with any questions. Schools, Municipalities, Towns, Cities, Villages, Government Agencies, Colleges, and Universities, are automatically approved for Net 30 Payment Terms. Just email or fax your PO to us for processing.
By Email: | By Fax: (800) 279-1037
By Mail: Trashcans Unlimited, LLC
                Attn: Purchase Orders
                1114 Texas Palmyra Hwy Ste 153
                Honesdale PA 18431-7683

Need to Pay for an Estimate with a Credit Card?

If you already received an estimate and wish to pay for it and proceed with the order, fill out and email or fax the credit card authorization form below to Once payment is received the order will be processed at the quoted lead time with order confirmation emailed to you for your convenience.

Credit Card Authorization Form

Need to Set us Up as a Vendor?

Email or Fax us your vendor forms to: By Email: | By Fax: (800) 279-1037

Download Our W-9

Need an Estimate?

If you are in need of an official estimate click the link below and email or fax the completed form to us. We will respond within 24 hours.

Request for Estimate Online Form

Request For Quotation DOC

Orders by Mail

We also accept Money Orders, Cashier's Checks, Corporate Checks, and Personal Checks if you are submitting an order via mail but do not qualify for Net 30 Terms. Get an Estimate to send in with your payment or print last page of checkout before hitting final submit button with Bill To address, Ship To address, items being ordered, shipping charges, and any tax shown and mail with your payment to our address below for proper order fulfillment. All orders submitted via mail using any of these check payment options must be made payable to Trashcans Unlimited. Personal checks require a 3-5 Business Day hold time for check to clear. Once payment is received your order will be processed at the quoted lead time. Any questions just email us.
By Mail: Trashcans Unlimited, LLC
                Attn: Order Fulfillment
                1114 Texas Palmyra Hwy Ste 153
                Honesdale PA 18431-7683