Signs It May Be Time to Replace Your Trash Can Lid

Signs It May Be Time to Replace Your Trash Can Lid

Posted by Trashcans Unlimited on 23rd Jun 2016

A trash can lid is one of those items you don’t appreciate until it stops working properly. When the lid goes missing, gets damaged, or doesn’t fit right anymore, you start to understand how important the lid is for a properly working trash can. How do you know when it’s time to replace your trash can lid? Here are the top situations when you might not need to replace your trash can, but a new lid is definitely in order.

Some trash can lids simply give up and stop working. The hinges break, the springs lose their bounce, or the just refuse to open anymore. Automatic trash cans often seem possessed when they break, opening up on their own for no reason. Rather than replacing the trash can itself, finding a new lid can fix the problem.

Trash cans breed bacteria whether they are used at a restaurant, business, or residence. This goes for the trash can lid, too. The lid often ends up covered in food debris that won’t come off

{Image source- Keep a Lid On it}

When They Are Dirty

Trash cans breed bacteria whether they are used at a restaurant, business, or residence. This goes for the trash can lid, too. The lid often ends up covered in food debris that won’t come off. Sometimes it becomes so dirty no one wants to touch it. A dirty, possibly bacteria-ridden lid is a great reason to buy a new one.

When They Are Damaged

Garbage cans are out there in the elements most of the time. This exposes them to all sorts of external damage. Raccoons, rats, and other animals attempting to breach the bin can break off pieces of the lid’s plastic or leave deep scratch marks. Mold is another natural enemy of the trash can lid. Unchecked mold will lead to discoloration and deterioration of the lid over time.

If They Melt

Trash cans, especially those used for commercial kitchens, are made to be sturdy. But they are usually made out of plastic, and the primary enemy of plastic is heat. It’s not difficult to end up with a melted trashcan lid. Fire can ruin a trash can lid in a hot minute, and even the sun can warp a trash can lid with its heat. Once melted, there is little chance of the lid ever fitting properly again.

When They Smell

Trash cans naturally develop an odor over time if they are not maintained properly. Perhaps the staff at your restaurant, for example, manages to wash out the can regularly but neglects the lid. The result is a smelly trash can lid due to bacterial growth. This is a situation where a quick inspection can reveal that it is your lid, not the whole can, that needs replacement.

When They Attract Insects

Outdoor trash cans are bound to attract all sorts of insects. The design and placement of a can’s lid make it especially susceptible to infestation. This could lead to the insects spreading to other places on your property. Rather than trying to get rid of ants, flies, maggots, or the main culprit, wasp and bee hives it may be best to just get a new cover.

When They Stop Working

Some trash can lids simply give up and stop working. The hinges break, the springs lose their bounce, or the just refuse to open anymore. Automatic trash cans often seem possessed when they break, opening up on their own for no reason. Rather than replacing the trash can itself, finding a new lid can fix the problem.

Is It Time To Replace Your Trash Can Lid?

If you are facing any of these problems, it’s time to get a new trash can lid. You can save quite a bit of money by replacing lid and not the entire trash can. The sooner you replace your lid the sooner you will be back to having a fully functioning garbage can at your disposal.

Trash Cans Unlimited can help you find a new lid for your trash can, no matter what size, shape, model, or color your need. Check out our vast collection of trash can lids, including 55-gallon drum top, push door lids,touchless automatic replacement lids, and much more. You’ll be sure to find theright replacement lid for your trash can.