8 Types of Theme Parks

8 Types of Theme Parks

Posted by Trash Cans Unlimited on 1st Apr 2020

Welcome to our post on theme parks! Here, we’ll take you through all the different types of theme parks, as well as plenty of examples of all of them too!

What is a Theme Park?

A theme park is an amusement park with a unifying setting, idea, or theme. There are several different categories of course. An amusement park is a large outdoor area with fairground rides, shows, refreshments, games of chance or skill, and any other entertainments. Technically, anything could be the theme for a theme park, but the types we’ll outline below are the most common and popular. Some parks are parks with rides, while others are often more amusement based with exhibits for spectators.

Every theme park is unique, and needs unique waste disposal to match, and here are a variety of custom logo trash cans that can blend in and fit the needs of any sanitation department.

Who Funds Theme Parks?

Some theme parks are permanent, while others can be temporary, traveling or seasonal. County fairs, circuses, even haunted houses are often traveling or seasonal activities, meaning you won’t often be seeing them in wintertime.

County fairs are often funded by taxpayers for community recreation. Contrast this with theme parks like Disneyland, which are privately owned enterprises that attempt to make profits. Some private fairs are run by organizations like schools or churches as fundraisers, and while most parks charge for admission, they may or may not charge for admission or rides and attractions.

Water Theme Parks

1. Water Theme Parks

Water parks are a style of theme park that features water for swimming or other general water-based goofing around. Slides, sprinklers, pools, fountains, and roller coasters that make a splash are common just a few of the most popular features of water parks. They’re seasonal in most places, and it’s never a good time to find trash afloat in the pool. Here’s where our push top trash cans can help. 

Zoological Theme Parks

2. Zoological Theme Parks

Not all theme parks are roller coasters and castles. These types of parks are designed so visitors can view or interact with animals. Everybody loves a trip to the zoo— kids and adults alike. Many have programs for endangered species population recovery, wild animal rehabilitation, and educating the public about conservation and the environment. Keeping zoos clean for visitors and inhabitants is as important as keeping the animals’ natural habitats and your own home clean and free of debris. Trash Cans Unlimited has the inventory to help with that.

Historical Theme Parks

3. Historical Theme Parks

Historical theme parks are usually ones with an educational or recreational purpose, usually involving putting on shows or reenactments. They’re always a good time, and often have the benefit of live, trained participants to help with the immersion. Examples include:

Renaissance Faires

Get a turkey leg while watching a joust. “Renaissance faire” is used to describe similar festivals of periods other than the Renaissance, but generally have a European Middle Ages setting that includes wenches, jesters, and knights.

Old West

Get the experience of walking through an old western ghost town with gunfights, saloons, and horses. The US and even other parts of the world have a special nostalgia for the days of the wild west, when the wilderness was being settled by newcomers for the prospect of gold and wide open land. Deadwood is a great example as one of the most famous Wild West towns, with a TV series, movies, and a theme park made about it.


These can often give insight into the experience of colonial settlers. This period is less romanticized than that of Renaissance Europe and the Old West US, but compelling nonetheless. Witch hunts excluded, people are attracted to the simpler, idyllic life of colonial America. Colonial Williamsburg is an extensive colonial theme park, with shows, museums, and reenactments to immerse visitors in Colonial life. 

Wood is a major feature of most historical parks, so having trash cans that blend in is a must.

Regional Theme Parks

4. Regional Theme Parks

Regional parks are often amusement parks that are drawing from or based on the local or surrounding culture. Examples are:

Luna Park

A regional amusement park on Coney Island, known for rides, hot dogs, and street performers befitting of Brooklyn.

Enchanted Forest

Oriented towards children with storybook and nursery rhyme themed attractions.


Celebrates the local everglades and one of its residents, alligators. It is a Zoological theme park, but it is a specific regional niche.


The theme is based on local history of silver mining in Idaho. 

Pop Culture Theme Parks

5. Pop Culture Theme Parks

Pop culture parks are usually amusement parks that are based around movie production studios like Disneyland or Universal. These parks feature rides, food courts, movie experiences, and more. Disneyland is so large that it is basically a small functioning city.

Holy Land Experience, Orlando, Florida

Orlando has so many theme parks it’s hard to know where to start, but the Christian-theme Holy Land Experience is something to behold. It’s got architecture that recreates the atmosphere of ancient Jerusalem, and there’s a museum and theater that showcases artifacts and performs live shows from the bible, as well as offering church services and Bible studies.

Zero Gravity, Dallas, Texas

Freefall is the name of the game at this particular park. You get to swing, fall, jump, soar, and dive through all sorts of different rides. There’s bungee jumping, a skycoaster, and a slingshot. There’s also a giant net you can jump into from sixteen stories up! There’s also a ride that lets you feel some serious Gs too.

Hersheypark, Hersey, Pennsylvania

Let’s talk chocolate. More specifically, a chocolate-based theme park that’s made in collaboration with the Hershey Chocolate Company. It’s a wild and unique time for anyone that’s a fan of chocolate. There’s roller coasters, restaurants, rides, and more for anyone who wants to head down to PA. 

6. Eco theme parks

Eco-friendly parks are usually privately run parks with an emphasis on recreation and nature. Environmental responsibility is the name of the game here, so promote recycling wherever you can.

Nature adventure pool, Vorderhornbach (Austria)

This park in Austria has a pool that was created with only natural materials. Lake Badino, one of the small swimming pools, has natural rocks from which you can dive, as well as an area where water is naturally filtered. No chlorine and chemical substances required, and in the wintertime it becomes an ice rink.

Crealy Great Adventure Park (UK)

This is the first theme park in the United Kingdom that’s powered entirely by renewable energy. The buildings, coasters, and more are powered by solar panels, and the park’s vehicles are fueled by biodiesel. If you want to have fun and care about the environment, this is the place to go!

Golf Courses

7. Golf Courses

Everyone knows what a golf course is: a dedicated area that’s for playing golf. There are country clubs with golf courses, pools, spas, and restaurants for adults, and then there are putt putt courses for kids with arcades, laser tag, and go carts. Refreshments are commonly sold here as well, so having readily available and maintained trash cans is always a good idea.

Ski Resorts

8. Ski Resorts

A ski resort may not be one of the first things people think of when they think of a theme park, but in reality, they are one of the ultimate theme parks--a mountainous region covered in fresh powdery snow makes for a winter wonderland for gallivanting on the slopes and returning to a lodge for a warm beverage and a soak in a hot tub. Like anywhere, you’re going to need waste receptacles there, both in the lodge and elsewhere.

So What Have We Learned?

Theme parks are a beloved attraction for people of all ages. They can be just about anywhere and have any theme. They attract large crowds of people where they frolic and consume refreshments. Theme parks need trash cans to keep the park clean and keep visitors happy. At Trash Cans Unlimited, we’re committed to offering the largest inventory of trash cans to our customers, suited to meet any need, from massive event spaces to personal offices.  Get in touch with us, or chat with one of our customer service reps today!